10 Reasons Why Failure Was The Best Thing To Happen To Me

10 Reasons Why Failure Was the Best Thing to Happen to Me 


I am known as a deep thinking type of person.   At times, I think too much or I over think things.  I will even think my way through what should have been a good nights sleep.    It is a curse at times but as each birthday passes (40 to be exact – yikes!) I’ve come to appreciate this little quirk about me.  Writing has been an outlet for the thoughts that wish to take up a permanent (party all night) residence in my head.

In my past, I listened to other voices telling me I was worthless.  A failure.  Soon the other voices no longer mattered because the one in my head was stronger than all others.  The supreme voice.  I failed to realize there is only ONE supreme voice…and it was not me.

The failures slowly rolled in at first and then they cruised into overdrive.  Sure there were a few successes along the way but eventually most everything ended in failure.  Why?  For me, the answer was a lack of faith.

I have yet to find that person who believes failing is the best thing to happen to them, while they are failing.   Over the years it has become easier and easier to see God’s lessons in the midst of my mistakes.  So my past nine years shall be named “The Retrospect Years”.  Sounds so cool, doesn’t it?  Well that’s me…super cool chic.  (I am so not serious about that.)


So in retrospect, failure really was one of the best things to happen to me for the following reasons:

  1. It humbled a proud single mom who relied solely on herself and not God.  “When pride comes, then comes disgrace, but with humility comes wisdom.” ~ Proverbs 3:27-28
  2. Learning from my failures and understanding why I kept failing brought me closer to God.  When I spent my time justifying my poor decisions or blaming others, I avoided God and continued down a path to further destruction.  Trust in the Lord with all your heart and lean not on your own understanding; in all your ways acknowledge Him and He will make your paths straight.” ~ Proverbs 3:5-6
  3. I learned to trust God in all circumstances.  My fear of failing was actually a lack of faith which caused me to fail even more.  “Trust in the LORD with all your heart, and do not lean on your own understanding. In all your ways acknowledge Him, and He will make straight your paths. Prov. 3:5&6
  4. I learned that it was okay to feel weak which allowed Him to work more effectively through me.  Trust in Him at all times, O people; pour out your heart before Him; God is a refuge for us.”  ~  Psalm 62:8
  5. The voice of Christ become much more vocal then my voice of fear, doubt, self hate and blame.  “For He will hide me in His shelter in the day of trouble; He will conceal me under the cover of his tent; He will lift me high upon a rock.” ~  Psalm 27:5
  6. I learned how crafty and deceitful the enemy can be.  This encouraged me to stay mentally prepared for the enemy’s attacks and to seek God’s council…always.  “By failing to prepare, you are preparing to fail.”~  Ben Franklin
  7. As a “failure”, I learned that I was in good company and that gave me hope.  There are numerous biblical characters and leaders who failed.  God is not so concerned with how many times we fail as long as the lessons are learned, we get back up and accept His outstretched hand.  “For though a righteous man falls seven times, he rises again, but the wicked are brought down by calamity.”  ~ Proverbs 24:16
  8. I matured by accepting responsibility and the consequences for my choices, actions or inaction.
  9. Acknowledging my failures as learning opportunities, provided me with encouragement.  “My son, do not despise the Lord’s discipline and do not resent His rebuke, because the Lord disciplines those He loves, as a father disciplines the son he delights in.” ~ Proverbs 3:11-12
  10. And through failures, I became a much better mom and role model to my kids.  My mistakes have provided my children with real life examples of the difference between a life doing things “my way” or a life doing things “God’s way.”  “This God–His way is perfect;the word of the LORD proves true; He is a shield for all those who take refuge in Him.” ~ Psalm 18:30

   How has failure helped you to succeed?

Please share – https://thereoncewasthisgirl.wordpress.com

2 thoughts on “10 Reasons Why Failure Was The Best Thing To Happen To Me

  1. I found this poem and thought it was wonderful:

    God fixes a passionate desire in you, and then disappoints you.
    God does that a hundred times!
    God breaks the wings of one intention and then gives you another,
    Cuts the rope of contriving, so you’ll remember your dependence.
    But sometimes your plans work out!
    You feel fulfilled and in control.

    That’s because, if you were always failing, you might give up.
    But remember, it is by failures
    That lovers stay aware of how they are loved.

    Failure is the key to the kingdom within.
    Your prayer should be; ”Break the legs of what I want to happen.
    Humiliate my desire. Eat me like candy.
    It’s spring, and finally I have no will.”

    Mathnawi III: 4391 -4472
    In Feeling the Sholder of the Lion
    Versions by Coleman Barks
    Threshold Books, 1991


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